Apparently it’s Aquavember, which I’m not officially participating in, but that doesn’t keep me from joining in the fun by doing a study of one of my favorite artists–George Pratt. I came across George Pratt‘s work a few years ago while I was studying art in Kansas City, MO. Not only is George an amazing artist, but he is one of the most open artists about his process (at least on the internet) that I’ve come across making him a great resource for me as I’ve attempted to learn techniques and get art supply recommendations.
Pratt’s watercolor is in the style of Burton Silverman. He applies color washes and when they are about to stabilize he wipes away parts of the wash to create mid-tones. In this way, he’s able to build up a watercolor painting in a more loose style than the traditional way of structuring a watercolor painting.
The painting that this sketch is modeled after is posted in stages on his website here along with a lot of other in-process watercolors. If you’re interested in learning how to watercolor sketch I would recommend checking that link out.